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Sacramento River Music Armada Canoe Tour Hits River City Saloon, Sacramento

Posted by docrocks on May 9, 2013
[youtube width=”500″ height=”300″]wVw2f9ahtSc[/youtube]

Once again Canadian Hypno-Folk act TWIN and friends are changing music history with their River Armada Concert Series taking themselves, others, all their gear and instruments down the River by canoe sharing song, stories and seed everywhere they go.

“The traditional band tour will undergo a transformation” Joanne Villeneuve, Brandon Sun

The River Armada concert series has returned to California! Two years after the Los Angeles River Music Armada TWIN is back working out of the bay area for the first ever Sacramento River Music Armada Canoe Tour. Since the internationally recognized L.A River tour,  the group has completed the third annual Assiniboine River Music Armada (ARMA) in their home and native land of Canada, the origin of the Canoe tours, as well as the first Mississippi River Music Armada, birthplace of TWIN founder David Fort in September of 2012.

“Among the sounds the musicians of the Canadian band Twin heard while canoeing the Los Angeles River were chirping birds, lapping waves, rustling trees and the screeching of a police department helicopter siren.” Gendy Alimurung, LA Weekly.

The group is bringing the River Armada Concert series to the Sacramento River for the first time Starting in Redding, May 24th. TWIN will be performing with a variety of California artists, speakers and performers at the various stops along the Sacramento River until their final stop in San Fransisco.

“Sharing Secrets with Strangers is much more sinister than any other folk being made, and it’s much more heartfelt than any indie rock.”  Taylor Burgess, Stylus Magazine

“This is one of those uncluttered, quietly affecting albums that delivers a serious emotional wallop” Jen Zorratti, Uptown Magazine

“It’s basically like taking your band on tour on the river — the canoe is the tour van,”  John Kendle, Uptown Magazine


“The tour-by-canoe concept is reminiscent of the old-time Chautauqua circuit of the early 20th century, or of paddlewheel showboats” Alison Mayes, Winnipeg

 Free Press.

“Canadian Folk Band Cited for Canoeing Down L.A. River The band is known for their river-based concert tours.”   Associated Press KTLA Fox News.

Who – TWIN – About | Facebook
HypnoFolk Pioneers TWIN are currently basing themselves out of Los Angeles in preparation for the first ever Sacramento River Music Armada. Biography
What – A musical canoe tour down the Sacramento River
When – May 24th – June 23rd  (Redding to San Fransisco)
Where – River City Saloon Friday June 7th in Sacramento 7pm