[title color=”color-default” align=”scmgccenter” font=”arial” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-1em”]Live Music in Old Sacramento happens every Thursday Night at River City Saloon.[/title] We have a house Duo of musicians ready to play with you. So if your a musician looking to play your latest song or simply get up and sing a song with the guys.
Live Music happens every Thursday night at 9:30 pm. You can come by to listen or get up on stage with the band. River City Saloon supports local musicians and inspiring singers and would love to have you come sing. Who knows you might be the next American Idol.
So come join us every Thursday night for fun, laughter and drinks as we bring you the Old Towne Boys and there vast array of hits to entertain you. It happens with live music in Old Sacramento at River City Saloon.
Video below is just one of the many people that simply came in and sang with the band.
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