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Home Beer Making for the First Time Brewer

Posted by docrocks on August 8, 2012

Who knew that Sacramento love’s beer so much. Here is how you can make it.

Home Beer Making is much easier than most people think. Making your own beer at home requires some simple equipment that is easily available, a little patience and just a few ingredients. A little creativity can also go a long way as far as creating unique beers that your friends will go nuts over!

In this lens I talk about the three easy steps required to make beer at home. I also talk about some of the equipment you’ll need. Please see my other lenses for more details about the different steps involved in home beer making.

Enjoy the lens and please leave a comment below!

  • You can start your first batch of beer at home in as little as thirty minutes
  • Home Beer Making doesn’t have to be a messy, smelly process (your home doesn’t have to smell like a brewery!)
  • Your home-made beer will taste as good as, if not better than your favorite brewery can make it!

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Source: Squidoo

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